Building bridges with stories.

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What’s your story?

Have you been feeling the urge to record the stories of your life? Maybe you are getting your affairs in order after a life well-lived, sorting through photos or old journals and hoping to add context to these precious memories and mementos? Maybe you have just experienced a vacation or transition that you would like to share with others but don’t know how to get started?

As we live our lives, our stories become important ways of connecting with others. Through telling our stories we come to see ourselves as unique individuals who at the same time can connect with others on a deeper level. Sharing our stories helps us see that there is often more that unites us than divides us.


On the fence about writing?

Not everyone feels comfortable writing. Honestly, it can feel a little strange to write about yourself. Maybe doubts creep in about whether anyone would want to read it. Maybe you hesitate because you don’t consider yourself a writer.

Guided Autobiography is a process designed to help anyone write their life stories, regardless of experience. We also offer other services that can help you build a bridge from your life story to the next generation, including personal archiving assistance, video or oral history recordings, and one-on-one coaching and support.

“I was truly impressed with the wisdom that seemed to emerge from the listening and sharing.”

—Andy H.

“Charity is very encouraging and supportive and creates a great environment for trust and sharing.”

—Penny O.